Important Update...

Visit: Your Spirit Rocks! at our vendors booth every other week at the local Farmer's Markets in Calistoga and Sebastopol, CA

Monday, February 3, 2025


     In a word, yes... breathe. What a winter it has been. We don't need to reiterate what has gone on in the world in the past few months. It is no surprise that this blog has been delayed for awhile, and I apologize for that.

    This is a pivotal time we are living in, and we are all in this together.Everything from the enviroment to politics worldwide is calling us to global reckoning in my opinion.

    Although I am on the internet quite a bit, I haven't watched the T.V. in over a year now ( mostly because don't want to pay for the full Xfinity package ).It is not a necessity. If I really want to watch the news I can find it online Besides, with all the ways we can access information, we might as well consider ourselves really to be a global village.

    We are glued to our communication devices which in a way makes it easy to edit ourselves while texting and to present ourselves in a pleasant manner through Facebook. Now, talking to Siri, Alexa or the house cat quickly replaces the need for human interaction.People still find Facetime video a little foreboding.

    As for quick information, Their's YouTube and Google for our educational purposes and/or "How to's ". Then we have Netflix, Prime, Hulu etc. for entertainment. We really don't need anyone anymore it seems.Why get groceries or food when there is Door Dash! Heaven's to Betsy. The list goes on... and rest assured there is an app for that.

    Boredom or loneliness has become epidemics in their own form.The quickening as it were, is pointing even closer to the Singularity.There is no going back. This is the time to go within, and make the time to be creative.We still can have the world of our dreams if we can all admit that we are truly in this together.

Below is this week's "Rock of the Week" which isn't a rock but oddly enough turns out to be an Abalone shell that I fashioned into a heart for Valentine's Day, which will be here shortly.

Enjoy the days ahead...

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Repitition and resolutions

 What starts out as a groove, can turn into a rut in short order. Admittedly, it's hard to break out of old habits. Painting gift rocks is no exception. Artistic designs, like the neuropathways that get formed in our minds, grow together. Like attracts like. Quite naturally, when we find something we enjoy doing, we like to repeat the process. It is pleasing when we obtain a desired result. Patterns form, results are weighed, and a cycle completes itself... until something upsets this seemingly predictable, however pleasing result. Hmmm...

    Without getting too deep into the psychology, suffice to say that everything is like everything else, (except sometimes not always).Boredom and/or frustration may ensue. Lethargy can follow close behind. Predictability can be a double edged sword. Are we rushing to judgement about a certain outcome, or are we staying in observation mode?

Granted,in order to obtain a signature stye it will usually involve repeating it.There is no other way around it.Just as in making all the mistakes there are to make, it will mean that one has to go through the process of making countless vain attempts until  refinement and a particular beauty has been revealed. Also, there is not guarantee that this process or result can be repeated.

Philospher and Psychologist Herbert Spencer was quoted as saying that there is one principle that will leave us in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation.Stay with the process. More will be revealled!

Below is this week's Rock of the Week

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The First day of 2025

 Hiking around in Bothe State Park at 2pm on the first day of the new year is such a treat. Families out for a little stroll on the muddy paths, navigating their way past slimey rocks can be a bit of a challenge but all fun. (Just as I am composing this blog, a mild earthquake just struck. It's 6:34pm on Weds. January 1st.) One never knows what is coming down the pike.

    Anyway, i am promising to myself to make a few "projections". about how to proceed throughout the new year. Resolutions are out of the question.One is to keep this blog updated. The other is to continue to develop my artistic ability, and to share it with others...subscribing to the belief that I must give away what I wish to keep. 

    This has been a tough lesson. Fears of being a sucker is difficult to shake, because of who is usually first to step into the trap of mindless gulibility. No one with a kind mind likes to witness the gaming or manipulating of others to get what they may think they want. Especially if it's the laughter at the expense of another.

 Already, a reluctance to publish this is cultivating a bit of dread and it is only the first blog post of 2025.Another projection is the quest for integrity and genuine humility as a bi-product of being truthful. Wish me luck with that.

May this coming year be fulfilling in all your greatest and truest desires, and my joy fill all our hearts.

Your Spirit Rocks !