Important Update...

Visit: Your Spirit Rocks! on Facebook . Our vendors booth appears every other week at the local Farmer's Market(s)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Slowing Down

 Stop is such a final work effort. Wha tthe heck dows thad mean/ 

 As you might be able to tell, I just woke up.Still trying to pull it together. My writing skills are something that can overtake me, and my keyboard doesn't always co-operate. This apple keyboard is only 11 inches long and just like my Iphone, you need little "Rat Fingers" to type.

 I am enjoying a cup of coffee with tumeric, cinnamon, Ryze™, Laird's Super Creamer™, Hemp milk and powered Swiss Miss™ creamer... what a combo.It gets the stream of conciousness going and kicks things into high gear. Some writers are very selective about thier words instead of trusting the stream of conciousness that flows naturally from thier minds; None of which has anything to do with the cup of coffee I'm enjoying. 

 My best friend from high school has sent me a text that he had an electric cardiogram taken yesterday after he had A-fib. I'm new to this terminology, so when a picture of him lying on a gurney in a hospital was sent to me, it got my attention.I have no idea what the prognosis, diagnosis or if any of these noses are any of my business.I've prayed and am hoping for a speedy recovery, whatever that means.

Right now, I looked away from the keyboard to a magnet on my refrigerator that has a bunch of hearts printed on it. I stopped to realize that I am observing a magnet that is adhered to the refrigerator door and that I am noticing it.Now I am looking at the blinking cursor as I continue to type. Facinating stuff, huh?

My hope is that their is an English major or some copy editor who is reading this and is having a field day restructering my spelling, sentences and punctuation. Have at it.

The image below is another sample of a Neurographics experiment . Incidentally, I'm still on hiatus and will be until further notice.

Over and out.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Today is July 9, 2024 and I am planning a hiatus. The reason being is that I need a respite from the committee that has filing a affidavit in my head.In other words, the voices that have been dictating my next move have been relentless, and I'm doing an about face by telling them to cool their jets.

However, this is not all fantasy.Change is the order of the day and Now is time, which is spontaneous and in no need of rehersal, coaching or scriptwriting to assist this sprinter out of his block. Incidentally, the 2024 Paris Olympics begin in two weeks!

So, no rock sales will be taking place this weekend in Calistoga or Sebastopol.If you are interested in purchasing a rock, you can reach me directly via email, text or call. I hope that you have a wonderful, joyous and fulfilling summer.

Below is just a sample of my latest creative pursuit...

It's called  "Plant Life"

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Optics and Illusions

Do you like optical illusions? As a youngster, looking at something in a way that altered my perception was intriquing to say the least. Even now, while surfing the net, one can find some videos of  Illusory Imagery Check it out. One might even consider this illusion hallucinogenic ... and no mind altering substances are necessary to appreciate it!

The following painting was done by Russian Artist Yuriy Matrosov


Although the picture above is not really an optical way it is. Trompe L' Oeil ( to fool the eye ) trys to give the illusion of something three dimensional and to place it on a two dimensional surface.Drop shadows are sometimes used to make an image pop off of the surface underneath.

This "Dragons Eye" is always fun to do on larger rocks. The surface has to be flat enough, yet rotund enough to make the eye look real. These have been done these in the past, and are always a bit challenging in trying to get a dimensional and glassy look from the painting. This is this week's "Rock of the Week'.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Mystery to be lived

"Life is a mystery to be lived, and not a problem to be solved." This quote from Adriana Trigiani echoes what seems to have been happening lately.I've had a tooth pulled, a cracked windshield replaced, and a hot water heater go kapoot. I've also been eating lots of vegetables and trying to get a good night's sleep.What does any of this have to do with the price of tea in China? Metaphors and symbolism has always intriqued me. Everything always seems to have so much meaning, yet is still so mysterious!

When something is put into words, our interpretation of those words trigger images and ideas that are questionably either positive or negative. Yet all our thoughts are malleable. Just as much as the previous paragraph can be considered jibberish, it probably still brings ideas and images to the fore.

 Do you ever stop and ask yourself, " Why did a picture and thought about a gazebo just pop into my head? Can you trace it back? Was it a memory, a complete thought or merely a passing one ? Did it contribute to a certain belief or cherished opinion? These are thoughts that I've been having about having thoughts lately. Oy! (The committee always seems to be in session). Does this mind even have a mind of it's own?

Having a source for one's thoughts will fortify our opinions for sure. Making an assessment, evaluation or observation will keep us from making a judgement which invariably will cause a reaction if voiced. Socrates questioned everything. Not a bad way to proceed. Another way is to keep one's silence and be thought of as "Ignorant" ( or conversely wise or humble ) than, as Abraham Lincoln would say " Open one's mouth and remove all doubt !"

Below, is this weeks Rock of the week...

Do fish bark? Hmmm...

Monday, May 20, 2024

Living a day at a time

    At times I tend to get ahead of myself. With the advent of the Internet, time gets corralled and it is easy to get distracted , even when following up on a simple task. The iPhone has proven to be a powerful device. It has changed everyone's life for better and for worse.

    However, this blog is not about that. The progress I've made as an artist has grown. Yesterday, I got involved with a paper marbleling class at our local Art Center. It was a wonderful diversion.Learning a new process has kept me engaged creatively in another medium besides acrylics and rocks.

    The process of making and manifesting pleasing outcomes involves following ones intuition in my opinion.Taking a moment (yes, this moment) Instead of future tripping or dwelling on the past, has lead me in unknown directions and adventurous episodes, both in my studio and out in society. 

    Peaks and valleys during the creative process will always arrive in unexpected ways, both having and intrinsic value all their own.Trying to burrow myself out of frustration doesn't work for me. Especially when I find myself paralyzed before attempting another project.Going into acceptance mode does.Trying too hard to control the situation at hand is usually fruitless.Calling someone, going for a bike ride, visiting a museum or whatever; will free things up considerably. 

    In other words, chosing my valleys just as they are, and doing what is next ( and not putting it off ) has helped.When I lay my head on the pillow at night, it can be said that at least an attempt has been made in allowing a solution to be revealed.Sometimes it is just a matter of staying patient and putting things off until later... sometimes not.

    If all of this sounds like sage advice, it is what just what has worked for me. In no way do I speak for others in their quest for excellence, or even mere survival. Just keep on creating and feed your soul. Like the Nike commercial used to say, " Just do it!"

Below is this weeks "Rock of the week" 
( and a sample from the paper marbeling class I took )

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Summer Season begins

 Tomorrow will be the beginning of the Summer Market in Calistoga ( and also in Sebastopol for that matter ).It is really amazing how quickly the seasons fly by. As it turned out, the rains came and it was a total washout on Saturday. I was glad, because it gave me a chance to catch up on my inventory. For every rock I sell, I get to paint another one... a joy to behold.

 White painted rocks are my latest pursuit. I find that the design on top can be fun. It's turns out looking like heiroglyphics that one might find in an open dig somewhere in Mesopotamia.These rocks glow exceptionally well in the dark. Then, when placed on a glowing doiley, or in this case a "Joilie" ( as my friend Veda who made them has chosen to name them ) Which are made from glow-in-the-dark yarn that she took the time to crochet into a star pattern. Now this showcase rock is enhanced even more so. 

Here we present the "Rock of the Week"


 Today it looks like the resin coatings on the rocks are behaving. No air bubbles, no overpours and nice hard, dry results. These rocks can be put outside without a worry about the colors fading. They can even be put inside an aquarium without hurting the fish.

 Occasionally I use a clear-coat called TRIPLE THICK™ which is fine for a quick, shiny and long lasting coat, however, UV resin still works the best. The only down side perhaps is a yellowing over time, but that is more a concern with larger works of art.

    The pendants and keychains have been a profitable sale lately. The pendants are fun conversation pieces, and the keychains are kewl eye catchers when hanging from a backpack, or even when used to hang a set of house keys that are sometimes hard to find when fishing around for them in your purse. Usefulness is the key word here (always fun to add a pun).

    Like the gift rocks that they are, these are heirlooms are eventually meant to be passed on over the years. It is this artist's hope that you are inspired to have them as a keepsake and an item that brings you joy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bringing back the best

 This is my thirteenth year of painting and selling rocks. I have not even held a job that long during my entire work life. Like many members of my family, I treasure independence and freedom.I also like being my own boss.

 Having worked in hospitality most all of my adult life, I really like people. The Farmer's Market is my classroom.Getting to know the regulars and tourists are always enlightening, and can be educational. There are many artists out there too, and it doesn't take much to convince me that EVERYONE employs some type of creative activity, be it cooking, gardening or even washing and waxing a car.

 After having attained a degree in Art, it was time for me to do something that validated my own creative pursuit. Commercial art never really fueled this passion, although i am now familiar with how to use the computer as a tool for composition and output.

 Rocks however, were about discovering a small canvas, and having the liberty to come up with fun designs... a venue that became the medium of choice. Over the years, I have found that some imagery people will find more appealing than others. It also occurs to me that some colors and backgrounds have a special appeal all their own.

 Lately, I've been painting seashells as night-lights, specialty rocks that include waves, dolphins, birds,cats, meditation stones for focusing,mandala rocks, keychains, magnets and (as an occasional departure from the usual) decorative wind chimes and mobiles.In many ways, craftspeople live lives akin to a monk's existence. Pursuing beauty is certainly a meditative activity and there are many who explore different mediums in their search for an authentic creative expression.I devote this blog to those people who are making the time to do this very thing.Below is this week's "Rock of the Week".

Thursday, April 4, 2024

April, comes she will

 Spring has sprung, and the weather is still cold and wet. However, this past weekend was a blast. Sunny warm and beautiful. The Easter bunny hid eggs (not painted rocks, mind you) all around the town square in Sebastopol. Sales were good that day, the group onstage played Hawaiian music that kept all the visitors in a mellow mood. Kids ran around with their baskets collecting a bounty of eggs that were hid everywhere. Unfortunately, a few little kids missed out when the bigger kids made a clean sweep of them all. 

A few egg-shaped painted rocks were kept around in the hopes that a parent would come by and get one of these for their youngster. I have this spinning "roulette" rock  ( kind of like a dradle ) that gets spun around with an indicator painted on it, that if it ends up pointing directly at an orange dot, that lucky person wins the Easter egg rock.

A nice lady gave it a spin and won, and was so pleased that she ended up purchasing another rock for someone else. 

On another note, it is said that another eclipse will be happening this coming Monday. I've learned that we won't be able to observe a suitable view of it here in Northern California, but the people in Texas will get the full show. More to be revealled.

This week has been busy, because for every rock that was sold last week, a new one will take it's place. So, back to work! 

Below is this week's Rock of the week... naturally, it's an Easter egg rock that will not rot or hatch.