Saturday began in the state of frustration, fear and anxiety. For starters, I hadn't paid my vendor's fee from the week before, and was certain that I had, until it was discovered that I didn't . When I drove back home to look for the reciept, it wasn't there where I usually put it, on top of my calendar.
This is part of getting old i am told, and shouldn't be concerned.(Mispacing things, rather than losing them outright, is how I hold the idea)
Not that I use them that often, but my favorite pair of scissors were not where I usually want to find them. Arrrrggghh! This dropping out of the present moment has me in a quandry. People tell me frequently that i am not alone, and that I am in pretty good condition for a guy who is in his seventies.When I'm distracting myself, I'm not in the moment. I'm reherasing for some future event and multi-tasking in preparation for it. As for the scissors...
So far, they haven't returned.
This, after PRAYER and retracing all my steps, and letting the hope of finding them NOW go... Nothing, so much as the reliance placed on short term memory or my Higher Power has brought this item back. Scissors aren't the only things that the devil has snatched from the hands of those who mistake their wants for thier needs.This must be the case.
Attachment to things of the earth.
Letting go of the impatience and anxiety this dilema produces is a process. This, I imagine is the pithy suggestion of advice when offered by someone who seemingly has all thier sh*t together. It still has one wondering... Does professional help look like an option at this point? Perhaps.
Let's see if the Lion's mane in the morning coffee, will help untap a region of the brain where not a trick will be missed.
Below is this week's Rock of the Week.
Happy Halloween Ya'll !