Monday, February 10, 2025


     Yesterday was fabulous. Not just because I was able to sell many of my showcase items at the Sebastopol Market, but because it was a wonderfully energetic and lovely a day as would never have been expected. In fact, I seriously did not want to get out of bed. Dreading the thought of driving over the hill in freezing cold weather ( the roads were very icy and dangerous ) was not at all appealing. Then the thought of standing around and having no one stopping to view my glow-in-the-dark gift rocks was beginning to haunt me.   Ugh.

 It was time to "Let go, and let God". I did just that. My prayer for the day was to have the Higher power "Surprise me". I left it at that. Prayers of petition or begging are becoming things of the past. Prayers of gratitude are taking their place...Thankfully.

Even the writing of this blog is becoming a prayerful exercise, that helps me to release negative expectations. Besides, those expectations are merely feelings about experiences that have happened in the past.

Today, I have hope that becomes an abiding faith that things are happening in accordance with the Divine will. Also, one's day can start over at any time. Many aspire to an idea that a change in attitude is not beyond their power of choice.

This choice has consequences that can go either way.

Is your attitude beyond your power of choice? 

Chocolate or Vanilla?

All this being said, the farmer's market turned out to be a fabulously abundant sales day. What a surprise! Was this my expectation? perhaps,but the real surprise was when my attitude shifted upon asking my higher power for a surprise.

The Higher Power has NEVER failed. The answers are always... Yes, No or...


Below is this week's "Rock of the Week". 


Nope,it's not a rock but an abalone shell shaped like a heart. Being that St.Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching, nothing could be a better reminder to follow your heart.

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