Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The First day of 2025

 Hiking around in Bothe State Park at 2pm on the first day of the new year is such a treat. Families out for a little stroll on the muddy paths, navigating their way past slimey rocks can be a bit of a challenge but all fun. (Just as I am composing this blog, a mild earthquake just struck. It's 6:34pm on Weds. January 1st.) One never knows what is coming down the pike.

    Anyway, i am promising to myself to make a few "projections". about how to proceed throughout the new year. Resolutions are out of the question.One is to keep this blog updated. The other is to continue to develop my artistic ability, and to share it with others...subscribing to the belief that I must give away what I wish to keep. 

    This has been a tough lesson. Fears of being a sucker is difficult to shake, because of who is usually first to step into the trap of mindless gulibility. No one with a kind mind likes to witness the gaming or manipulating of others to get what they may think they want. Especially if it's the laughter at the expense of another.

 Already, a reluctance to publish this is cultivating a bit of dread and it is only the first blog post of 2025.Another projection is the quest for integrity and genuine humility as a bi-product of being truthful. Wish me luck with that.

May this coming year be fulfilling in all your greatest and truest desires, and may joy fill all of our hearts.

Your Spirit Rocks !

1 comment:

  1. Really Loving the *glow rock I bought from you at Calistoga Farmers Market Saturday. I collect stones & crystals. You're making me add painted rocks to my collection too! Yours feel like crystals with a spirit not just beach stones. Really love the GLOW of your rocks. Really enjoyed meeting & chatting with you. Thank you Christopher~ Sunny
