Sunday, November 24, 2024


    Over the years, Hallmark™ holidays have been milestones that have marked many seasonal episodes and memorable events of our past.Especially in this country. For better or worse, businesses have scaled up as the advent of the next holiday approaches. As a youngster, the anticipation of each of these days brings with it an overarching sense of dread.Today, it is consumerism and how we roll with it. I think that it is okay to take another tack this year, by not buying what we don't need, or guilt-tripping ourselves into buying stuff for others ( that they don't need ). I am encouraging people to watch the documentary called "BUY" on Netflix™. It has changed my outlook on the state of our economy and the planet as a whole. God only knows what the next year will bring.

    The rains have arrived and it seems that summer has ended and winter has begun. What, dare say, has happened to fall and spring? This past week, a horrendous storm visited the North Bay and I got to stay inside all week... painting, drawing, cooking, eating and generally getting a case of cabin fever.

    Today we got a respite and the sun peeked out for a bit.It's nice to get outside and breathe in the petrichoric environment. There, you have a new word to add to your vocabulary ( sorry for the presumptusness ).Multi-tasking and distracting myself does not help if you are trying to squeeze glow-in-the-dark paint that behaves like Elmer's glue onto a rock. Nuff said. Wait! Soup is boiling over on the stove. See what I mean. Something tells me that we are not alone on this one.

Below is this week's "Rock of the Week"

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