Wednesday, July 7, 2021

When the old becomes new again

 My friend and patron, Senne brought me a rock I had painted years ago. It was an early design that I had proclaimed would not be repeated ( right ). In fact, it was the beginning of a particular way of working that I was not yet aware of upon starting out. Needless to say, things have evolved since then. It is known that I use metallic acrylic and no spraying was applied to achieve the gradient from orange to green and then to blue. I use a higher grade of Phosphorescent paint that gives a superior glow-in-the-dark effect. My final coat is done with resin, which gives it a nice glossy finish and protects it from the elements, and from grimy hands that tend to dull the brilliance of a newly painted rock. In any event, the refurbished rock looks a whole lot better than the original. Naturally, it's been chosen to be "The Rock of the Week".


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