Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Rocks at Russian Gulch

 Many people know where to go to get the rocks used to create "Your Spirit Rocks!™". For most of the more studied rocks (i.e. the ones that are larger, perfectly round, and symmetrical) it's just as easy to go to Landscaping yards to find ones that will work best.

  • The rock to the left is an example of that. You usually have to scout around to find a proprietor who will allow you to rummage about the rock bins trying to find one that will work well for your project. They may charge you a couple of dollars depending on how many and how much your purchase weighs. It usually isn't too much for a bag full.
The one here on the right is a finished product that was ready for Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, these larger rocks aren't always what people will purchase for their gardens along with their vegetables at the local Farmer's Market. However, from time to time it turns out to be the exact item someone is looking for to fit a certain spot in their garden.

On the other hand, going to the ocean not only to find rocks but for respite and peace of mind will always be rejuvenating (especially in these times). Watching the waves come in, the seagulls fly about, and the shoreline moving closer and then retreating accordingly to a predictable schedule of tides should not be missed by anyone feeling the so-called "Cabin fever" of staying indoors. Finding the time to take in the beauty of this sanctuary is very important. It feeds the soul. Waves crashing against the rocks will wash away the ennui of everyday living.

The kind of rocks found at the Russian Gulch Beach vary in size and shape. For the most part, they are oval-shaped. Some are longer and thicker than others, some are grainer (if they are sandstone) and will have dimples or slight imperfections. After a while, your eye will be trained to find the ones most suitable for your purposes.

Occasionally, an odd one will appear and make you wonder where on earth did this one find its way onto the beach, and how did it get all those markings? How many centuries old is it? Did it move from a deep place under the ocean's floor? How many tumblings did it take to become as round as it is? These ponderings continue to present a mystery for our inquiring minds.
The many shapes of shells, seaweed, wood, and other items will appear and disappear in every season and during every visit.

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