Saturday, September 7, 2019

No Rock this Week

Yep, you heard it right. This week I'm on vacation. It is early September and the kids are back in school and the parents are usually pulling the purse strings pretty tight these days. However, last night in Middletown they had a First Friday event that was a lot of fun. My booth was set up on the corner where the Boar's Breath Inn used to be. It was the perfect venue for showcasing the rocks as they would appear in the dark. A few friends came by to wish me well and some even purchased a rock or pendant. Music played and the evening was pleasant as the sun went down on this little town just north of Calistoga. The heat of the day began to dissipate and the night was greeted with soft summer breezes. It is so pleasant when summer departs on such a melodious note. The picture below was drawn awhile back and features a figure viewing a large valley from the edge of the cliff. It represents the vision one might have as they look forward into the future of not knowing

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