Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Rocksober Fest

This past Saturday was spent at a music event in Boonville. The town can be found after driving a long and winding road towards Fort Bragg in Mendocino County. I arrived on Friday afternoon around 3pm and the festival crew directed me to the area where I would set up. My canopy and vendor's site ready by 4pm when as the show's manager/creator appeared there to greet me. This man has a large, demanding style, yet is fairly amenable when it comes to suggestions. That is if the suggestions make sense to him.

The voice and instruction style he has can be grating after a while, especially when that information is generally uninteresting and goes on ad infinitum. After other people began arriving, it became clear who was directing the show. One of the first things noticed was that no one of his performers from the two previous Fests was scheduled to be on this year's bill. Hmmmmm.Why was that? Anyway, we all followed his lead and the booths and logistical questions became clear.

I barely got much sleep Friday night due to the hard ground ( in spite of an air mattress ) and the ambient sounds that continued until dawn. There were coyotes, dogs, crows and other assorted creatures making a cacophony of sounds throughout the night. It was rough. Most of the set-up work was done save for a few extra chores.

Thankfully, I was offered some sympathy and a finely brewed cup of coffee in the morning by our aforementioned director, who actually can be a good-hearted guy. We moved picnic tables, garbage cans, and soft drinks as we coordinated the viewing area for the attendees. By noon, people slowly began to arrive. Even a few painted rock customers from the past!

Shows like these are gearing up to be a healthy, family-friendly event. A work in progress you might say. In effect, they do not draw wild, drug-induced fans intent on disrupting what otherwise may be a fun, stable weekend soiree. However, advertising this as a clean and sober event is not meant to be prohibitive in any way to those who are respectful of this idea. All in all, the future possibility of gatherings like these have great potential. Below is a picture of this week's rocks. I sometimes think that this would be the best rock to put on my desk. What do you think?

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