Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Napa Rock Hunters

It had to happen.This great idea also occurred to me a few years ago.Now Naparocks has done something about it.Painting and hiding rocks for people to find and post on Facebook.I know that you can still find Your Spirit Rocks™ at Bothe State park, Lake Hennessy and out on the coast near Jenner... and they will be yours to keep.However,It pleases me to hear that a Facebook group has formed in Napa with over 1500 members and growing fast. People are painting and planting them in public places to be discovered by those lucky enough to find them.

It seems that the idea and subsequent Facebook page was spurned from the recent smartphone App game that has had everyone walking off cliffs,running into walls and getting robbed in blind alleys.Yep,We've heard of Pokemon Go™. But Unlike that game, These winners enjoy finder's keepers or pass it on! And... where else can you get hidden treasure these days.It's family friendly and as far as I know,relatively safe.I love it! Check out this link:

Napa Rock Hunters

So, if you have painted a rock and are about to hide it,make sure you have "Find on Facebook at Napa Rocks" on the back.Then,as the instructions say...Post a picture and a hint to where it can be found (park, school, etc.) Lastly,Hide the rock for others to find.

So,you've found a rock? Take a picture and post it so hiders know it was found. Keep the rock or re-hide it. If re-hid, post a hint to where it can be found.#naparocks

Below is my first entry in this Naparocks Game.Hint: It's somewhere between the Sharpsteen Museum and the Calistoga Police Dept. (Drop by on Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market, and I'll take your picture if you spot it) Happy Hunting!

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