Thursday, March 3, 2016

In like a lamb...

It is only March 3rd, and already we have storms backed up in the Pacific.This is a good thing of course, because our water resources here in California are in much need of replenishing.It has made it difficult for me though because when I go to the beach to collect rocks to paint,their seems to be a river that blocks access to the beach which ironically, usually is dry or easy to cross.Timing is essential when going to this particular beach where I get these rocks because rain or shine, one never knows when the river will be too deep to cross.You can bet though, that by July it will all be dry.

This weeks rock(s) are some I am preparing for Saturday's Market. These are all designs that have come to me in the past with slight variances in design.So,this week you get more than you perhaps expected.I've all three viewing states to give you an idea of what the rocks look like under a blacklight, lights out and in normal lighting.

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