Monday, February 16, 2015

The Rock of the Week

I received a nice email from a collector who purchased a rock just a little while ago. Catherine has brought this rock with her on a trip to Hawaii to a location where their is a small pond. The City of Refuge is on the island of Hawaii and that is where it has been placed. It is a sacred place for the Hawaiians. I am honored to have this creation placed where others may enjoy it.

 Occasionally, I have placed rocks in secret places throughout my journeys. Locally, I will take hikes to a place called Coyote Peak in Bothe State park, not far from my home here in Calistoga. Placing rocks in trees where squirrels hide acorns is a likely spot; Or I will find a group of other rocks to easily nestle one of the Spirit Rocks. It has been a surprise to me as to how well these rocks have weathered being outside. I keep a stone on my balcony which has been outside all year and it still looks great.

Generally, it has been discouraged to place the rocks in damp spots because they have only been sealed with a clear coat of acrylic, and it is not certain yet whether or not this coating will withstand the elements for an extended period of time. I will keep you posted on that one.

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