Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Rain has arrived

This week the rains came, and the refreshing mist in the air is most welcome.The water situation in California has not been good since we have learned that last year was the driest on record.We hope that the end of winter and early spring rains bring a much needed drenching, these usually have carried us through the summer months in years past.

That's the good news.Rain on Saturdays during the Farmer's Market make the situation sketchy at best.Tourists will come and visit Calistoga whatever the weather, but the foot traffic always is better when the sun is out.I usually play it by ear, and sign on at the last minute if it is not too wet. Your Spirit Rocks™ don't like the wet weather as it tends to soften the protective acrylic coat I give each rock.

This weeks rock is another heart-shaped rock that I painted with red and green.To some, this rock may look a little too much like a real heart, and for that I apologize if it offends anyone's sensibilities.A Happy St. Valentine's day to all!

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