Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Rock of the Week

This weeks rock is a one that uses a lot of "blue" glow paint.I have used different types of blue glow paint, but it is never quite as bright as the green paint that is used.When I shine a Ultra violet light on the rocks, it really makes them glow brightly. Even regular light, when absorbed during the day will allow the rock to glow when the lights go out. Florescent paint, which is colorful and bright during the day will only glow brightly under a black light.It will not glow when the lights are turned out.Many rocks have mylar stickers and other adornments which add to the visual interest. I hope that these objects of beauty bring joy and peace to you throughout the new year.

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Glowing Stone

This week's rock of the week features none other than Mick Jagger, who has been a favorite entertainer icon of mine over the years. Even though it is a silouette, it shows Mick performing shirtless in his younger days with the Rolling Stones.There have been other performers who I have featured on the front of Rocks, like Jimi Hendrix and James Brown.It hasn't been difficult finding suitable images of these "Rock" stars, because their lives have been well documented.

The rock has been painted with a green and violet patina and has glowing drops of paint all around the perimeter of the rock.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Black Stallion and Middletown Crafts Fair

I want to thank those of you who came by to say hello to me and my friend Veda at the Lionesses Middletown Holiday Crafts Fair. The turnout was good and everyone who participated had a joyous time. The same can be said too of the Holiday Art Event at the Black Stallion Winery.Both events were successful by all accounts. Many of you purchased the gift rocks as stocking stuffers for the December Holidays. Other were visiting the "Your Spirit Rocks!" table for the first time and expressed your interest in the beautiful glowing feature of these rocks.The rock of the week is a "Flower of Life" motif painted on a metallic blue rock to symbolize peaceful unity during the holiday season.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Winter Wonderings

It is not even officially winter, but if the lemon trees have anything to say about it... it already is feeling like it. The Rock business is progressing and I am happy that a few of you have made some special orders for the Christmas Holidays. I am always happy to be painting and exercising my creative abilities.At times, it can be a little difficult, depending what I will be putting on the rock. Today, I tried my hand at a Poinsettia ( see below ) and was pleased with the results. I try to make it so that every rock I paint has something on it that will glow in the dark. I don't think I can really call it a Spirit Rock unless it does. This weekend I will be doing a show at the Black Stallion Winery on Saturday, Dec. 7th. If you are on the Silverado trail near Napa, stop by and enjoy the Holiday Arts and Crafts that will be shown.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Your roving reporter

I found this video in my archives and thought that I would share it with all my pals...

Banteron from Boca Raton from Christopher Sullivan on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Windy November

Today the sky was crystal clear and it was even calm out on the coast. The wind has picked up this evening and blew the tarp covering off my redwood deck. I suppose I will have to invest another eight bucks for a new one at ACE in the morning.That thing has lasted a whole year and has protected my privacy and has provided plenty of shade during the summer.Today it was very apparent that weather changes are on the move.

I was able to collect a whole big canvas bag full of rocks at Russian Gulch.After driving through Santa Rosa I stopped by Michaels Art store to pick up some paints and metallic stickers.It was good to take a drive and let things ride today. I am not feeling particularly creative today, so I should do other things to have the Spirit move me.The rock below is sort of a Buddhist Mandala in honor of my sister, Tara.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude

This month being November,is the time of year where I like to reflect on all the kind blessings that have been extended throughout the year.I would especially like to thank all you that have purchased Your Spirit Rocks™ this past year. Your support has kept this particular Quest growing steadily.My hope is that the "glow" has brought each of you a sense of peace and serenity in these trying times.I know that it hasn't been easy for many of you, but your hope for a better future is what will bring this very vision into being. Admittedly, it has been difficult even for me to make the time to get quiet, and let the guidance and direction of The Holy Spirit in.May this coming Thanksgiving be just that for each and every one of you. Your Spirit Rocks ON !!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Glowing Inspiration...

I came across this hopeful and inspiring video and have reposted it because of it's relevance to things that are illuminated brightly.The doctor in this video is talking about a "Tumor Paint" that is derived from the Israeli "Death Stalker Scorpion". as it is explained in this video,it will help doctors see cancerous brain cells without disturbing healthy cells so that they can better perform delicate operations.This may be the medical breakthrough for 2014 after it completes it's third clinical trial in Australia.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

This Week's Rock

The background to this rock is where I paint all my rocks.It is plastic mesh that collects all the glitter and extra paint that does not end up on the rock itself.This is another one of those "3-D" rocks I've been trying to popularize.The rock below shows a little of what it looks like in the dark.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rock of the Week

This week I am featuring a gold fish image that was popularized by my sister Tara's art work used on a Silk painting at Sybil Shane Studios where she partnered with a good friend.

The fish I painted on the rock is an attempt at creating 3-D motifs which seem to hover in the air when viewed through some special glasses that I've ordered online.They are called Chromadepth Glasses™ and can be purchased in a variety of styles and prices.

Turning out the lights with the black light on the rock, the orange colors jump forward as the blue colors recede.Although the 3-D effect cannot be re-created here, you can imagine how cool this must look.The fish seems to be swimming in it's own little pond!

... and now here with all the lights out

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posters !

Below is a poster that I put together, after hearing from someone that they would like a poster for their son's bedroom.It cost me about twenty bucks to have these printed out, and another twenty-five for the plastic frame I get at Michaels in Santa Rosa.I am selling this one for one hundred bucks,signed and framed. Right now, the idea of having an Art Show with a lot of posters at the public library is more appealing than selling these one by one.It is important for me to keep my name out there you see, so that people know that I am still in business.The last time I had a show was at the Public Library in St.Helena was around two years ago.It went well, and I was able to sell three pieces the first night.

If anyone would like to order a poster or custom rock for a friend, give me a call or shoot me an email and I will be happy to serve you.

This poster is one that now signifies the latest and best of the products that are on display at many of the shows where they can be purchased.

This next poster is more of an experiment. I used Prismacolor to enhance areas that seemed to fall back to give the poster a mock 3-D effect.The down comforter on my bed has served as the perfect background for this display.It allows a beautiful formation of folds concentrically surrounding each rock

The last picture is of three posters that are on display at the Legends and Lore shop in Napa. These are samples of my best composite images that showcase some of the more regal-looking rocks that have been produced.These posters were also in the Premier show of "Your Spirit Rocks!™" at the St.Helena Library.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Rock of the Week

My friends, David and Laura Wallis let me set up a booth next to their stand at the Enchanted Village Fair at the Stonebridge school in the Carneros region south of Napa. I arrived around 2PM as I set up next to them and a "dunking" machine, where students and family members threw softballs at a target which, when struck would release the seat which left the participant in a large tub of water.Kids loved this because even teachers found themselves targeted as they sat on the seat waiting for some "lucky" student to strike the panel which dropped the poor victim into the drink.The fair had an Arthurian theme which was reminiscent of the Knights of the Round Table, with wooden swords, dragons, wizards and fair maidens.The rocks I sold were a good fit, because of their timeless quality.

David created a compelling design awhile ago of a folded heart sculpture made of steel. I thought of a way to make this piece somewhat utilitarian by having him cut an inverted hole in the middle of the fold to support business cards or even a rock like the one shown below. I hope that he is able to generate more of these pieces in the future, because of their attractiveness and usefulness.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Rock of the week

Wow!What a week it has been. Having returned from the Unity Festival on the Russian River,My Spirit has been Rocked ! This was my first Reggae festival, and it proved to be beyond my expectations.Admittedly, I wanted the Spirit Rocks to be a big hit there, and they were.Many people came up to inquire about them,so it was understandable that they wanted to take their time before making a purchase.I think their was a bit of mutual reluctance because of our general appearances. Most of the attendees were Rastafarians or lookalikes, and usually adopt an unconventional appearance (i.e.dreadlocks,tattoos,body piercings,etc).This may have been my projection, but I probably looked to some like an old straight dude doing a weekend undercover surveillance gig.

The music was undeniably good.I haven’t enjoyed much Reggae since my exposure to people like Bob Marley or Jimmy Cliff many years ago.All groups were accomplished in their own way.A special acknowledgement has to go to Kush County,Irie Fuse,Marlon Asher,Mishka,Roots Underground,Irie Love,Highest Intention,Sol Horizon and The Steppas.These were musicians that came from as far away as the Pacific Islands, Jamaica and Africa.Impressive, no doubt.

Most of the vendors were suppliers of utensils,clothing,jewelry,art and really great food. I had a Eggplant sandwich that was off the charts.Fish Tacos, Tri-tip,Crepes and Italian ices were just part of the fare.Children and oldsters were all there.Plenty of activities aside from camping, dancing and swimming were available. People threw frisbies,played tetherball,spun hula hoops and even went canoeing on the Russian River. A good time was had by all.

Look at this guy doing a fire swing dance to the music playing in the background. too cool!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Legends and Lore

A cool little gift shop is re-opening in Downtown Napa! Artists David and Laura Wallis have transformed the Legends and Lore gift shop into a quaint,specialized gift shop featuring everything from Dreamcatchers,T-shirts,Jewelry,Hanging art pieces, Sculpture, Hand-painted gift rocks,and a whole assortment of fascinating items that harken from "Days of Olde" to the present.If you are in the market for a unique gift then come and check this place out.An artist reception for the art displayed there will be held on Saturday, September 21st, from 6 to 8PM. All are welcome.Just go to the Napa Town Center on First street behind Sushi Mambo.Do it!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rock of the Week

This week I am showing the same rock under two different types of light.These rocks are sitting on top of my bedspread which is a white down comforter. I really like the way it creates a background that breaks up the morning light in very interesting ways. It sort of reminds me of a view from an airplane or seeing auras in some separate reality.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013 Summer Season

I am certain that what is contained in this little slide show is not all of the rocks I painted this summer, but this is a good representation of what I consider to be my best. ENJOY!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rock of the Week

Hello There! This is the rock of the week because it has been such a daunting task painting all those dots on this large rock. It is called the Urchin rock for obvious reasons and it has become part of my collectors edition. Not that many of the rocks I painted at this size have been sold. They usually go for one hundred dollars, and I begin to do more of them as the Holidays approach. Right now is the busiest time of the year for me, and I will skip the Glen Ellen market this Sunday just so that I am able to replenish my inventory. If you have purchased a rock from me lately, I want to thank you and say that you have made this summer very special for me. I hope to see you at the Farmer's Market in Calistoga again soon.Be well, and don't forget to sign the guest book on the right.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Alex's Rock ( The Rock of the Week )

This is a picture of Alex, who is my friend Donna's niece who was given a rock at her graduation. I love this picture and decided that it would be a good one to post for the Rock of the week. Yes, she loves her gift and for a modest fee I will personalize any rock if there is space on the rock to do this ( i.e. Perhaps on the backside,which I generally leave blank ).

After the Chef's Market ends this week, I will be creating some fresh designs with my time on Thursdays.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

All wrapped up !

These rocks were some of the early creations that were a result of my trips to the ocean. My friend Veda has thought to enhance the rocks by wrapping them in colored wire that she bought at a craft shop in Guerneville. One can take these to the next level by exploring other ways to embellish or showcase them.

Last year, I decided to scan several rocks and make poster size images out of them. These were eventually shown at a one-man show at the local library in St. Helena, CA.I had no idea how regal the rocks looked after scanning them and noticing all the great detail the digital format provides.

Photographing them, and placing them in previous drawn pictures via Photoshop produced some interesting compositions like the one below, which was made into a gift card. Creativity is only limited by your imagination and the tools you have available.

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Little Animation

My friend Veda created this little animation featuring "Your Spirit Rocks!". It may only last around 30 seconds but it looks very professional ( which it is ) and showcases the rock creations beautifully.

Click on the link just above the picture of the Rock below.

If you have your own rock, I would take the time to see what it looks like under different lighting conditions and environments. It seems that these rocks have personalities all their own.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Anticipating a Fabulous Fourth

It is only Monday, but today the heat wave that has been around the entire weekend continues.I finally turned on my air conditioner,as the fans were only blowing around hot air at this point.Saturday was a good market in spite of the heat. I met some nice folks from other parts of the country who were visiting Calistoga for the first time.I had a few new rocks to showcase, but not a lot.I will have to start refreshing my inventory if I am going to have something for my regular customers to add to their collections.

Thursday is the Fourth, and the Fair is well underway. I suspect we will have the Sprint cars and explosions keeping all the neighborhood dogs hiding under their masters' bed by night fall.I do have some concern for those animals that have no idea what is going on,but FEEL everything.Something to think about.

The picture below is of a rock I plan on making. I saw this design on someone's t-shirt and thought it looked quite "fetching" if you will excuse the pun. Have a great Independence Day everyone !

Monday, June 24, 2013

Trust the Process

My friend who lives not far from me wrote this letter about his sister who is undergoing surgery for some cysts that have appeared on her ovaries.I had painted a rock with the words,"Trust the Process" that he was to give to her for her birthday.

He writes the following...

Chris,It looks like my sister has to have her overies removed.Thanks for coming up with the slogan, “Trust the Process”.Below is a letter I sent to her after what I researched on my own.These cysts are in the ovaries,so she runs the risk of them burst.So this is not a great place to have cysts.Period

He writes... So Amy …… I'd suggest going through with the operation to be on the safe side.I’m sorry you have to go through this terrible ordeal.But at least it is a standard operation.Trust the process! Your guides wanted you to have that message that is why they led me to the stone. My friend who I had make the stone design came up with the idea of “Trust the Process”.It immediately resonated with me for some reason. Now I know why. You met him before in the restaurant at the resort.My neighbor,Chris.

You're lucky.When I had my operation the doctor wasn’t even sure what the hell he was going to do! Be glad your not having someone doing an improvisation experiment with only hunches as YOUR life is hanging on a thread and half your colon removed... Then losing it on the table, and being lost for three months (in and out of consciousness and reoccurring seizures).

Note:He is referring here to his own experience with personal surgery.

Death is always to my left and never lets me forget it. Be it a warning to take control of your own health with prevention. Your’ll be fine ……you have a ways to go yet.

Love, Jay

Much energy will be sent to you. No need to be scared.

Trust the process!

I keep my friend's sister in my best thoughts and prayers as I hope you do too.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Glow Factor

It is well known that I use glow in the dark paint on most of "Your Spirit Rocks !™" that I paint.This is the reason I have named them as such.If you have one on your window sill during the day, you get what some call the bling factor.This being a shiny metallic-looking rock with adornments such as glitter and mylar.

Now,If you put the same rock on your nightstand under a small lamp you will get the glow factor after you turn out the lights.

I have used florescent paint which is bright and colorful, but technically does not glow in the dark (unless you have a Ultra Violet Black light flashlight to illuminate it).These type of lights can be purchased for a small fee at some popular hardware and variety stores.The glow in the dark paint will absorb any natural or incandescent light and stay illuminated for a short while.It will eventually fade, but it is still visible in a dark room for most of the night.

It gives me great joy to show off these unique gift items.The video link below showcases the rocks in various stages of illumination.Enjoy !



Monday, June 17, 2013

A Batch of Dazzlers

Usually, I will post one rock that has stood out as being a particular favorite "Rock of the Week". The composite image here showcases a whole variety of different rocks that have been scanned over the past three years.This selection illustrates the progression of the craft as it has developed.

Yesterday, my sister Rita provided me with a bag full of goodies from Cliff's Variety Store which I can now use when decorating the rocks after being painted.This was Father's Day, but the gift was a belated birthday gift.(It should be noted that it was also St. Rita's feast day!) It was enjoyable having a feast of pulled pork sandwiches with cole slaw in my nephew Edward's back yard. We topped it off with some chocolate cake for dessert.I hope that everyone enjoyed their own versions of a Father's Day celebration.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

This Week's Rock

This rock is called "The Harlequin Rock" because it reminds me of the colorful garb you might find on a clown in the circus. The background was created in Photoshop and the rock is one of my favorites.

Today was over 90º degrees in Calistoga and the rocks I had on display were so hot that people would immediately put them down if they tried to handle them.Needless to say, sales were not that good. I would like to find a cool DARK spot to sell my rocks. Perhaps in a lounge, or some place like a cave.If anyone knows where I might find this ideal spot, let me know. Peace out for now.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

This Week's Rock

My good friend Veda took me to this great Japanese Dollar-fifty department store called "Daiso" in the Serramonte Shopping Center in South San Francisco off of Hwy. 280. We got there about ten minutes before closing and found these great little collectible boxes that would fit some of my favorite rocks perfectly.

I can always count on Veda to find me some great deals and fun products.A bit later, we went to a Carnival near Mill Valley where we watched kids go down a super slide and ride the Ferris Wheel. She was drawn to the games of chance, and immediately bought a bucket of ping-pong balls to toss into these glass jars which would win her a stuffed animal.She even gave me a couple to toss. After spending about five bucks with no winning tosses we moved on. We did however, win a blow-up baseball bat and a tiny gold fish at the next game of chance. She chose to name the little fish "Ichi-ban" after the Japanese stores we had visited.Veda is just so cute and happy.

She is totally in love with that fish,too.The picture below is of her in her moment of glory.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Rock of the Week

This week's rock is a fun design I came up with after painting the rock with a sort of fuschia color.It seems that young girls who visit the vendor's booth at the Farmers Market prefer pink-colored rocks.This particular rock is adorned with four little metallic leaves that my good friend Veda provided for me. She said that she was able to purchase them at the Dollar store in Mill Valley. I will have to go there to see what other bargains they have.

Although I have been trying to get away from the concentric-looking designs, I made an exception with this rock.I put a spoked wheel in the middle which was another flourish that I thought would look good on this rock.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hey, Sports Fans!

Lately, I have had a lot of people request that I paint their favorite team's logo on a rock for them. As you can see, this has been a fun project and I hope that I get more requests.If you have a favorite team and would like me to do this for you, just email me: with your name, address and phone# and I will try to get one off to you in a timely manner.I generally charge between twenty-five and thirty dollars depending on the time I put into it. I will accept check or cash. I can process your credit/debit card over the phone using Paypal or Square. Although I am not not set up to process payment on this blog, I plan to do so sometime in the future.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Napa's Riverfront Chalkart festival

Last Saturday I started out by going to Orchard Supply to pick up Carpenter's Chalk and some masking tape. Then I drove to the Riverfront area of downtown Napa. I checked in with a woman named Jill who showed me the designated spot where I was to rough out my chalk creation. It was a 4'X 8' space in front of the local Gelato store.

My friend Veda was going to be working on her creation next to me,around ten feet away.I began cautiously as I had only attempted this type of work on this type of surface once before in San Raphael last June ( it was well over 90º).

My neighbor Don Williams ( a flooring carpenter ) lent me his knee pads which proved to be so necessary for this sixty-two year old body of mine.I also had some latex surgical gloves that protected my hands along with gobs of #30 sunscreen which protected me from the harsh rays of the sun.Now I was ready for business.

I measured out a grid and marked off the squares using the carpenter's chalking device ( a first for me ) with a very helpful assistant named Brad.I began in the upper right corner as I laid down lots of blue aqua chalk smoothing it over with my hands as I went.Two hours went by and I was already spent!

Veda hadn't arrived but I suspected that she was taking her time driving over from Novato. I left my work for the first day and then went over to my nephew Edward's house to celebrate my sister Rita's 70th birthday party (see pic below).I went home that night and hit the sack early,knowing I had lots to accomplish on Sunday.

Getting up at 5:30am is not my usual M.O., but it felt good as I drove back down to Napa on Highway 29 as the sun was just beginning to rise.When I got to my spot, I could see that Veda had begun her own creation late Saturday, but she still had not arrived. I began drawing and smoothing out chalk as the morning moved on. Jill returned early with muffins, water, Large shading umbrellas and coffee to help start the day. All the chalk supplies we could think of were provided.It was going to be a long day.

Eventually, Veda returned later on Sunday, and again I was feeling tired yet nearly done with my piece at that point.Initially I had agreed to help Veda with hers, but begged off at the last minute.Even still,It looked like she and her friend Bill were about to bail out after an hour or two.The effort everyone put into these projects deserve an "A" for all their work.My nephew and his family arrived around 1pm and helped me with some finishing touches (see Mila and Miko below).I am very grateful for how it turned out, and may even do it again next year.This time I am certain that was better prepared than last time, but still have a lot to learn about chalk and sidewalk art.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

High Dynamic Imagery

HDR is all the rage in digital photography. So, it is by no surprise that I made good use of that feature on my IPhone camera.The rocks I am presenting here are pretty, but they have been "enhanced" by the use of some filters that came with this little app called "Camera Plus". It is tempting to tweek and finesse each one of these pictures, but I don't want to give people the impression that these are how the rocks are going to look when people purchase them.

Wait a minute,I take that back. These rocks are going to look BETTER after you purchase them. ESPECIALLY if you go to the hardware store and pick up a black light. Their is nothing that will make these Spirit Rocks pop better than when the lights are out and they are sitting next your bed with a black light on them. Boo-Yah !

Monday, April 8, 2013


To make a pendant is fun and a bit challenging. I only create designs where one could be certain that the person wearing it is having a joyful experience. The stone and it's adornments must have the "Bling" factor going naturally, you would be wow'd by the fact that it shines brightly during the day, and will provide the extra bonus of glowing brightly and beautifully in the dark.If one of these things falls short, I won't make a pendant out of that rock.

The next thing I do is choose simple silver bale or drill a hole through the rock and and slip a pleasing nylon string through it.The neck string is adjustable, so it can be shortened or made longer as needed. It is very easy to get attached to these designs, and I sometimes have a hard time parting with them.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Justin Leary • Heart Flow


This music has been produced and arranged by my nephew, Justin who is a talented guitarist,vocalist,songwriter.Give a listen and download some GREAT music!(IMHO)Especially the song,"Disappearing Sun".


Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Best of the best

This weekend I got a message from my nephew, Justin Leary from Australia. He is a musician who plays guitar and has arranged some pretty compelling music on CD. He has requested that I submit some art work for a new CD he is currently finishing up. I was honored to hear that he would like me to do that for him and we have worked out an exchange agreement. This week, I have enclosed a short video which showcases my best rocks and what they look like in the dark with my nephews music playing in the background. If you have Flash installed, Click on the link below and enjoy !

Your Spirit Rocks ! (video)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rock of the week

My good friend Veda, recommended that I paint more "Urchin" rocks. These are fun to do because they have a natural oceanic look to them. I can almost picture them in an aquarium under a black light like the one shown below.

This week I went to the Veteran's home in Yountville to meet with the volunteer coordinator about having a workshop there. The meeting went well and among the ten people that were present came a variety of questions.Ultimately, I think they were concerned mostly about a budget which would not be a problem in my estimation, since I would be supplying many of the necessary utensils to hold the first actual workshop.We figured that it would not cut into their time either, since I was only looking at a few hours to present and demonstrate how I actually go about decorating a rock.I am hopeful that the initial workshop will be approved.

The only other meeting I had was with someone who may be able to have the gift rocks displayed for purchase at the Robert Mondavi Winery store. I am in the process now of creating a number or rocks that I think would be a "good fit".

We shall see...

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Someone brought up the idea of Gratitude today as the Saturday Farmer's Market was getting started. It has been my experience that this is the best way to get through the day (... and life for that matter ).Many studies have been done around this topic, and even though it is not always the easiest thing to "tap" into, once a person has cultivated this attitude, miracles begin to happen.

Whenever I take the time to examine my conscience,To do a "spot-check" inventory to see where I am with my feelings of gratitude; It makes for a good barometer to see where I am out of sorts, or unable to be in alignment with my higher purpose.If you are low on the gratitude scale, may I suggest that you take some time out and focus on those things which you are thankful for; Simple things like "a good meal" or even "a smile from a neighbor"... then see where that takes you.

The picture above is one that really showcases what Your Spirit Rocks should look like after they have been sitting under a bright light for awhile.The glow will usually last for about five seconds before it begins to fade. The rocks still can be seen throughout the night,and will help guide your way in the dark (and hopefully through dark times).This is my wish for every person that has one.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Busy Weekend

Friday was the I (((heart))) gift expo at the Finley center in Santa Rosa. I met lots of folks from the area and it seemed that many of the vendors were also my customers that evening. It was the first time Your Spirit Rocks showcased in Sonoma county.It was a fruitful evening and the people were just great.

The next morning was the regular Saturday Farmer's Market in Calistoga. Even though you could call it a skeleton crew as far as the vendors were concerned, it was still a sunny and joyful experience. The morning chill however, meant that it took our visitors a long time before they finally had breakfast and came bay to peruse the market.Mike, from Santa Rosa Fish Market usually shows up around 9:30 AM and the locals all come swarming about that time.Most of my business occurred from 10:30 AM till noon.

Saturday evening, I drove to Fairfax to catch a free concert at the 19 Broadway Club. I was allowed to set up my table in the dark which proved to be a great place to show people how well the rocks glowed. My friend Veda help me set up and sell, for which I am very grateful.I finally packed up around 11:30 PM and drove back to Calistoga where I quickly climbed into my warm bed where I slept like a baby.