Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posters !

Below is a poster that I put together, after hearing from someone that they would like a poster for their son's bedroom.It cost me about twenty bucks to have these printed out, and another twenty-five for the plastic frame I get at Michaels in Santa Rosa.I am selling this one for one hundred bucks,signed and framed. Right now, the idea of having an Art Show with a lot of posters at the public library is more appealing than selling these one by one.It is important for me to keep my name out there you see, so that people know that I am still in business.The last time I had a show was at the Public Library in St.Helena was around two years ago.It went well, and I was able to sell three pieces the first night.

If anyone would like to order a poster or custom rock for a friend, give me a call or shoot me an email and I will be happy to serve you.

This poster is one that now signifies the latest and best of the products that are on display at many of the shows where they can be purchased.

This next poster is more of an experiment. I used Prismacolor to enhance areas that seemed to fall back to give the poster a mock 3-D effect.The down comforter on my bed has served as the perfect background for this display.It allows a beautiful formation of folds concentrically surrounding each rock

The last picture is of three posters that are on display at the Legends and Lore shop in Napa. These are samples of my best composite images that showcase some of the more regal-looking rocks that have been produced.These posters were also in the Premier show of "Your Spirit Rocks!™" at the St.Helena Library.

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