Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year's Rock

Lately, I've been scanning my various rock creations and dropping spectacular, vibrant backgrounds behind them.This one has a white metallic cloth that I scanned and brought into Adobe Photoshop and tweaked with the Pinch filter. I love the way it showcases one of my favorite rocks.I will be featuring a different rock every week in the new year, so stay posted. If you have an idea for a rock, leave me a comment or sign my guest book and I will get back to you.This year will be a great one.

Happy 2013 everyone !

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Disco Rock

The Rock of the week is one I call the "Disco Rock" because it reminds me of a lot of the dance clubs of the 70's. It has lots of florescent dots and lots of luminescent dots. The florescent dots look great under a UV/Black light that causes them to really pop out in the dark. I purchased mine at the local ACE Hardware for around 12 dollars.Scorpion Master has them for sale online. Note the difference between "Florescent" and "Luminescent" dots. Florescent does NOT glow-in-the-dark. Luminescent does.

Most of the rocks I paint will have something with Luminescent paint on it, to substantiate the claim that the rocks do glow in the dark. Lately, I have been including a lot of florescents because the colors are so bright.The dots also have a textural feel, which add to the overall experience.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Thanksgiving was wonderful, and so were the Arts/Crafts shows that were well attended. Your Spirit Rocks ! It is with much gratitude that I write this. Everyone who made a purchase at The Black Stallion Holiday Art Show or The Aegis Napa Valley Craft show really made these past three days just great,and this is in spite of the inclement weather and flooding throughout the Valley.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday

Join Christopher Sullivan who will be exhibiting his Spirit Rocks at the Holiday Open House & Art Show at the Black Stallion Winery on Saturday, December 1st, 2012, from 11 am until 4 pm. Black Stallion Winery is at 4089 Silverado Trail, Napa. When you are visiting Calistoga stop by the Farmers Market at Sharpsteen Plaza across from City Hall at 1235 Washington Street. Christopher who creates these beautiful Spirit Rocks, is there on Saturday’s from 8:30 am until 12 noon. The good news is the Market which used to close the last Saturday in October will be open until January this year.

Friday, November 2, 2012

A New Look

This week marks the end of the regular season at the Saturday Farmer's Market in Calistoga. Fortunately, it has been extended until January... weather permitting of course. Naturally, I will continue to provide some very unique designs and gift ideas for the upcoming holidays. I hope to see you there !

Please stop by and show me how much Your Spirit Rocks! Your enthusiasm makes a big difference on Saturday mornings .

It's great to be living in the Napa Valley and Calistoga in particular, among such interesting people within a thriving active community.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Your Own Spirit Rock

Thank you for visiting the Your Spirit Rocks blog spot.The following is how the idea for Spirit Rocks came to be.

The story began when I headed out to the coast to do some thinking after I left my job. Again, I was looking for guidance and direction from my Higher Spirit, because I did not know where or what to do next with my life.

Russian Gulch is an area just north of Jenner, CA.I parked my old Ford in a small,not-so-obvious turnout off the coast road and began hiking through the underbrush towards the ocean which I could hear in the distance. After walking approximately one quarter of a mile,you reach a clearing and inlet where a small stream of water will block your entrance to the beach when the tide comes in. Some people will throw logs and branches to make a bridge to the beach, but It probably is just as easy to roll your pants up and take your shoes off to wade closer to the shoreline. The surf crashes hard on this private little beach that is enclosed both on the north and south sides. It is only about one hundred yards in length.

Most of the rocks here are smooth and plentiful, as the tides have pounded over them for centuries.I picked one up and thought about how life washes over each one of us... smoothing our rough edges.I noticed how good it felt in my hand, and how it helped me center my thoughts.At once, I felt at peace and knew instinctively that everything was going to be okay no matter what direction I chose to take. Late in the afternoon, I stuck a few of these rocks in my pocket and headed back to my car.The ride home was exhilarating as my mind entertained pleasant memories of times spent near the Russian River area in summer's past.The warm days and balmy evenings playing miniature golf and going to teen dances are the stuff of youthful dreams.

Later when I arrived home, I emptied my pockets and began to paint one of the rocks with some metallic paints I had around. Once it dried, It looked really beautiful and so I took other colors and started to decorate it. The acrylic paint adhered very nicely to the surface of the rock and it occurred to me that a small amount of glitter may embellish it nicely. Lastly, I had some glow-in-the dark paint and began adding small dabs to see how well that took to the rock. It worked beautifully.

Turning the lights off, it looked like the rock's own spirit was emanating from inside as I held a flashlight to the white, glowing paint.Gradually the glow would fade and re-emerge depending on how long I held it under the light. Lastly, I sprayed a varnish on the outside to coat and protect all the layers of paint and glitter.Now I really had something to behold !

I began giving these away to friends and acquaintances as personal gifts, that they could keep or pass on as they wished. Naturally,they contain only the good fortune and power you want to give it, as it is held in your hand.It is not known where it's journey will end. Perhaps at Russian Gulch, where it was initially found.All I know is that it gives me a lot of joy to decorate them and pass them along.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just like cake!

This was a good week.Yesterday I met with my good friends Lee and Miriam. They enjoyed the glowing stones so much that they ended up purchasing over two hundred dollars worth.To date, that was my biggest individual sale except for Louise, who purchased two very large rocks a few weeks ago. Todays Farmer's Market was packed with many tourists from everywhere in the Bay Area and points beyond.I had one couple listen to my explanation about how if you put a rock next to your child's bed at night to asuage any fears of the dark. This was a good selling point that many parents were considering.The rock shown below is one that was worked on with good dose of cake decorating sensibility

Thursday, September 20, 2012

This Weeks Rock

I like to call this rock a “Bobby Dazzler” which is something I heard in Australia many years ago. It is a design which I am beginning to perfect.This would be a Meditation Rock which you would hold in your hand to ground and center yourself. I look forward to making posters of these type of rocks as I am certain that they would be even more stunning blown up.Perhaps I will do another show at the public library,much like I did last year.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Rock of the Week

This weeks rock was created in the usual centrist motif that i have come to repeat many times over. It just seems like my brushes,paints, materials or rock surfaces lend themselves to producing this type of starburst design that is much easier to repeat. I have experimented with painting black rocks, and using fluorescent pink to take advantage of the high contrast. I have also experimented with interference acrylics to render a two-toned effect that is also quite nice. This weeks rock is successful because it turned out “less messy” than many others.I am always venturing out,taking suggestions and looking for new methods and materials to provide you with the best work I have to offer.As always, “Your Spirit Rocks!”

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Summer of Spirit Rocks

It seems like this summer passed by more quickly than last year, which was the first year “Your Spirit Rocks!” went into business. A whole assortment of new designs and types of products went into production.Everything from buttons,bumper-stickers and bottle-stoppers to pendants, paperweights and wall posters were made.As the summer moved into August, my focus and skill level went up and people were noticing. Thanks to all of you who have purchased a rock. You are my official patrons! The Rock below is called the TEMPLE ROCK and it is the featured “Rock of the Week”.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Your Rock

Thank those of you who are visiting this blog for the first time.It's important for me to tell you that … Your Spirit Rocks!

Be sure to sign the guestbook in the Spirit Rock Links section, underneath the slide show to the right.

The Spiritual Quality of your rock

Hold your rock in your hand. Look into its beginning in the universe. How was it born? What personal history has it experienced? Sit and get to know your rock. After awhile, ask your rock those questions most personal to you. Hear the answers which the mind could never understand. Listen to the mysteries revealed to you! Reflect on the moment, on the wonder of it all !

Continue to gaze at your rock. What music or dance does it convey? What wisdom does it share?

Carry your rock with you. Let it be your companion, your symbol of your Higher Power!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Beat Glows On !

Thank those of you who are visiting this blog for the first time… Your Spirit Rocks!

The Image underneath this post, is the rock of the week… “Big Bertha” both in the light and dark.Thank you to Louise for the purchase of the Big Rocks, “Our Lady of Guadalupe” (featured in last weeks’ post) and “Big Bertha” who is making an encore appearance. I am certain that they will bring Louise continual comfort and joy both during the day and at night after the lights are out.

Phew ! Is it hot today. The tempature is over 95 here in Calistoga,but finally as the sun has gone down I don’t feel so lethargic.I have a whole new crop of rocks ready for the Farmer’s Market on Saturday, and I’ve got news that I may be able to get a late season slot at the St. Helena Market, come September.I’ll keep you posted , as my enthusiasm for these venues continues to rise. Best wishes to all the Spirit Rockers on these Hot August nights…Now go to sleep!

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Devotional Rock

Thank those of you who are visiting this blog for the first time… Your Spirit Rocks!

Be sure to sign the Guestbook underneath my picture in the Spirit Rocks Links section to the right.

The Image to the right here, is the rock of the week. This gives you some idea of what I can do. If you have one of my business cards, feel free to call if you have an idea for a rock that you would like to purchase as a gift.The rock above is a large oblong shaped rock that I painted in acrylic of “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. She is a very important Religious/Spiritual icon in the Hispanic community throughout the world.Although I could have used glow in the dark paint on this one,i chose not to because it would have made the rock look rather cheesy.Incidentally, I would like to thank Louise for the purchase of this rock and “Big Bertha”. May they serve you well my dear.

Yesterday marked the last night of the Chef’s Market in Downtown Napa.It was well attended and I sold many rocks.The people that came by were really nice and had lots of encouraging things to say. I wished them well, wherever they were from and hoped that they would return next season.As usual the temperature started out hot, but got cool in the late afternoon/evening. Then it just got cold ! Luckily, I always bring my old motor scooter jacket to keep me toasty. I said goodbye to my co-vendors and wished them well as we made sure that we exchanged contacts for upcoming events.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Moving Forward

It is past the middle of July and thankfully I’ve earned enough to pay the rent for August.Thank you to all who have made purchases this month! This past week I went to Clinic Ole’ here in Calistoga to get a cortisone shot for the poison oak I have acquired. This is nasty stuff,but I am on the mend.

Today I painted some rocks for the Chef’s Market on Thursday in Napa, which seems to be a pretty good market for me. More and more people are becoming familiar with the Spirit Rocks I sell, and most enjoyable is creating custom orders for anyone who is thinking of a personalized gift. The materials can be more pricey than one might think, especially after shipping costs, etc., but I insist on using the best quality materials I can find, from rocks to paint to glitter.

Last Saturday, I broke one of my display tables after knocking it over reaching for a rock (see the photo above). The plexiglass disk will cost me around 35. dollars to replace. I am lucky that I have a backup reflector table to replace the one that has been damaged.

The beat goes on...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday’s Focus

The first day of the work week is when to set goals and handle necessary tasks like the maintenance of a car, your wardrobe,health,friendships etc. This ongoing process is a way of preparing spiritually for whatever of life’s lessons you are about to encounter next.

Pray for easy lessons.

Sainthood may not be possible in this life, so it is vital to follow a virtuous path and do the best you can with the marbles you’ve got!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lights on … Lights off

Lately it has been a lot of fun creating art and building a business.Today, I went to Santa Rosa to purchase two large frames and an easel.I went to Michael’s store, Office Depot and Riley Street to get everything I needed.The game plan is to frame the images you see here (which are also poster size … 18X24”) and put them on display next to my table of rocks.

The idea is to see what these rocks will look like both in the dark, and in the light of day.Many people pass by my booth without the slightest clue as to the best feature of these rocks, which is that they GLOW IN THE DARK.

Naturally, you have to hold them under a light for a minute to absorb the light before you are able to enjoy their luminescent properties.

The wonderful thing is that they do continue to glow for an extended period.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Design

I have begun to break away from the centric designs that have adorned the Spirit Rocks for about two years.The new pattern is reminiscent of the Faberge eggs of another era. The criscross pattern has proven to be one that looks more difficult to render than it actually is. I have found some new art supplies that add a glittering 3-D look to the top of the rock. After giving the rock a clear coat for protection, the finished piece looks absolutely stunning in the sunlight. The rock image to the right was scanned on a flatbed scanner and placed on top of a scanned piece of shiny fabric that was modified in Adobe Photoshop. I then sent it off to the printers to be made into a 24”X36” poster.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome fellow rock stars !

Welcome to anyone who has taken the time to come visit this blog. No doubt you have seen or have purchased a Spirit Rock for yourself or a loved one. This summer is just ramping up to be the best one yet. I have met a whole lot of people from other cities, parts of the country and other parts of the world who have come to the Napa Valley to vacation. This is a great place for anyone who wants to remember some of the great summers of the past. We have swimming, hiking, biking, ballooning,great food, you name it. The locals like to say that Napa got it’s name because “People take naps here”. I like that one. For me, it has always been a place that typifies the California life style. Having been born on the east coast though, I knew how hard those winters could be... and by comparison we west coast people have very little to complain about; weather wise.Sometimes I think that we really don’t know how good we’ve got it! My hope is that you leave a comment and let me know how your Spirit Rocks,and perhaps we will meet again.

Friday, June 1, 2012

All work, seeking play

Although I only am selling rocks at two events a week, this has been a huge undertaking. I am not soliciting any sympathy however,because I truly enjoy what I do.Correction… Aspects of what I do. I sell, promote, create, distribute and catalog almost every rock that I paint.This blog has been a documentary of the progress I have made from the beginning almost two years ago.( Please scroll down and check the archives on the right that date back to 2010).I think what I need is a wealthy patron, so that I can just paint and go to the Farmer’s Market(s). Perhaps too, a bookkeeper and someone who can assist me in managing my time.

Don’t take the preceding paragraph too seriously.I don’t,because it is very difficult for me to let go of having and sense of control.It is not easy letting go.

Today I painted all of three rocks where I spent an hour on each one. This is just not good business sense unless I intend to sell those rocks at a minimum of forty dollars each. No two rocks are ever the same, really. They sort of remind me of snowflakes in that regard.

Creativity requires that I start with nothing and I don’t believe that this constitutes any effort,really! If what I do is enjoyable the creativity flows… call this abundant living. Making an effort is a far different animal. All work and no play can and will make Jack a very dull boy, indeed! (just see Nicholson’s performance in the movie “The Shining” if you have any doubts).

My sister seems to think that I am opposed to working.Nothing could be further from the truth.I respect work that fosters a sense of contribution to a greater good, but work for work's sake is just a dead end that degenerates.I love creating/working at something I enjoy, and this can take many forms. Organizing a desk drawer can be a highly creative act, and I fully consider this as time well spent.

Volunteering is another form of work that is great, if one can continue to support oneself while doing this. This only part of the equation of achieving balance in an unbalanced lifestyle, however. We all need to be achieving some sort of goal that will make a difference in the world, and no contribution is too small.

Doing nothing has it’s place though too, but only if you believe in a Higher Power.The answers will come if your own house is in order. Geez, how did I get started on this… I need a break.This blog is starting to feel like work !

Monday, May 21, 2012

Art in the Clouds

This was the name of the Auto/Art Show held up at the Pacific Union College in Anqwin,CA yesterday. It was a warm, sunny day and their were lots of families with kids who spent time looking at art work, cars and interesting people as they walked about with their frosty drinks and corn dogs.The time went by slowly and many people stopped by to say hello and check out the new rocks I had on display. A gust of wind came up late in the day and blew part of my display over. Their were about five rocks rolling across the road as I scurried to pick up the signage. Luckily, nothing was damaged.Then around 6:40 pm, an eclipse occurred which made everything appear rather eerie. I took a picture of some shadows of leaves as they appeared against a building with wood paneling.Notice the shapes of the shadows are crests, just like the shape of the eclipse.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Chef’s Market

This Summer Season on Thursday evenings from four until nine PM , I will be participating in the Chef’s Market in Downtown Napa on First Street. I have signed up with the Napa Valley Artists Association to secure a spot near the Music stage to sell the Spirit Rocks. I will also be participating in the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings from nine AM to noon on Washington street, next to the Community Center and Police station. Stop by and see what I have been doing all winter!

Monday, April 23, 2012

…As the season approaches

Coming this May, I will be featuring a booth at the Calistoga Farmer’s Market from 8am to 12 noon on Saturdays from May to the last week in October. This is a fun event that brings lots of people together throughout the summer months. The Spirit Rocks will be on display in prices ranging from five, up to thirty dollars. Come by and see all the new creations and enjoy the live music that will be heard during the market.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This one is for you

Everyday I find a new and different way of embellishing these ocean rocks. If it isn't with a new color of paint, it could be from a dot of glitter that looks good adhered to these rocks.Unless someone wants a particular design or motif, I generally work with color, and many of the Spirit Rocks I produce look similar only because I have a formula that I have developed which works. If pushed, I can come up with a fairly attractive rock in about a half an hour. I will usually prepare four or five rocks at a time. Then, as one is drying I will begin on another rock and go back to the first one. It is almost like a production line from the beginning to the end of the day. I love sitting down, putting on some good music and a pot of coffee, and then just paint.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Exploring Photoshop Filters

I took a group of rocks that I had painted and scanned them. After saving them, I brought the image into Photoshop and applied the twirl distortion filter to it. It ended up revealing a rather compelling picture that resembles a coil of some sort. After achieving this effect, I took a picture of a rock that I had painted of an eye and placed it at the center of the coil. These are only some of the enjoyable processes that I have applied to these wonderful art objects.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Like Night and Day

I have discovered a preference for rocks that have a surface which allows a brush to pass over them with ease. The paint can have a sensuous, thick feel to it.Most acrylic is viscous and smooth when applied. Adding water to thin the layer is an almost natural way to achieve a transparency . This appears as colors blend and show through, as one layer dries. Applying the clear gloss coat punches up the surface to a high sheen. The rocks are stunning in the light. Flourishes like stars and glitter have to be used sparingly, or else the final result can look garish.

When the luminous paint is added, it is like working in another dimension. Negative space becomes important, as the contrast between light and dark becomes more apparent. Paintings displayed under a constant light can generate a specific response that is not always contingent upon subject matter. A trained eye takes into account the many variables of light, color, hue, subject matter, and brush stroke. The importance of a proper backdrop cannot be underestimated, either.

Many will see these rocks as decorative and pretty, but that is only one’s first blush. When the rocks are scanned and modified in Photoshop, they take on a presence and power all their own. They can look like a Native American motif, or perhaps a Buddhist mandala depending on the way the rock is painted. I find that my own ability has been on the increase since I began this quest over a year and a half ago.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Foundation Stone Meditation

Soul of man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.

For the Father Spirit of the heights reigns
Creating being in the cosmic depths:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones
Let resound from the heights
What in the depths its echo finds;
This speaks:
Ex deo nascimur.
The elemental spirits
In East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.

Soul of man!
You live in the heart-lung-beat
That guides you through the rhythm of times
To the sensing of your own soul's being:
Practice spirit contemplation
In equanimity of soul,
Where the surging
Cosmic creative deeds
Your own I
To the cosmic I;
And you will truly feel
In deeds of the human soul.

For the will of Christ reigns in the earthly sphere
Granting grace to souls in cosmic rhythms:
Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai
Let from the east inflame
What through the west takes form;
This speaks:
In Christo morimur.
The elemental spirits
In East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.

Soul of man!
You live in the reposing head
Which opens cosmic thoughts
from eternal founts to you:
Practice spirit-seeing
In peace of mind,
Where the eternal goals of the gods
The cosmic being's light
On your own I
For its free will;
And you will truly think
From founts of human spirit.

For the cosmic thoughts of spirit,
light imploring, reign in cosmic being;
Archai, Archangeloi, Angeloi
Let from the depths demand
What will be heard in the heights;
This speaks:
Per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus.
The elemental spirits
In the East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.

At the turning point of time
The cosmic spirit-light stepped
Into earthly evolution;
Night darkness
Had ended its reign;
The bright light of day
Streamed into human souls;
That warms
The poor shepherd hearts
That enlightens
The wise kings' heads.

Light divine,
Sun of Christ,
Our hearts,
our heads,

So that good will be
What we
From our hearts beget,
What we
Through our heads
Will to achieve.

( By Rudolf Stiener 1924 -Translation: Frank Thomas Smith )

Friday, March 2, 2012


A friend of mine named Fred had purchased one of the posters I had on exhibit at the library. He not only purchased it, but had it framed beautifully. I was so impressed by the quality of the frame that I have vowed to have other images done exactly this way. The show went as well as I could expect and I have learned a lot. I am inspired by what others have shown me by their appreciation of this work. The biggest thing I have learned is to trust the process and to be willing to let go. This is not an easy thing for me. Things don’t always work out the way I think they should, but now I am more committed to my work, and the more inspired I’ve become. Although I sold only two pieces, I have learned to keep it simple and just scan the rocks and enlarge them. The pieces I sold were of the same Rock I call “The Sea Egg". It is the one shown here, and everyone liked this one the best. If you would like a signed 18 “ X 24” print for yourself, leave me a comment and I will be in touch with you. The prices have been lowered since the end of the show.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I get my best ideas from you!

Yesterday, I spoke with someone who knew about the Chakra system of energy vortexes within the human body. There are seven chakras which correspond to a person’s spiritual energy which travels upward like a double helix from the base of your spine up through the top of your head. Each one of these centers corresponds to a specific color and tone. Although integrated, each has a specific purpose that prepares us along life’s journey.

The colors of these energy centers are what interested me when talking to him about the Spirit Rocks. He suggested that I could put together a kit of seven different colored rocks that when placed on a person lying in a prone position, would assist in aligning their chakras. I thought this was a compelling idea and assured him that I would begin looking into it.

The practice of Yoga and certain body therapies (i.e. massage work), can compliment and facilitate a process of rejuvenation which aids in a person’s spiritual growth. These colored rocks could be made available to Massage practitioners who do specific types of energy work.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen… “The Glowing Stones !”

My friend Veda suggested this name, and I really like it. It sounds so much like the Rolling Stones, that I think it may even be a stronger moniker than my flagship product. I would really like to find someone who lives close by to help me build my business. Right now it is the middle of tax season and this will be the first year that I will be claiming my new business. The expenses will hopefully balance out the meager revenue I have generated , I plan to sort out and itemize my expenditure receipts and keep a log of how much it is costing me to keep this thing going. It is just too easy to buy something retail that you can just as easily purchase wholesale. Inventory is key here as well, because without taking stock I could go broke in very short order. Does all of this chatter sound like I know what I am talking about? Well I don’t. I am flying by the seat of my pants here. By the way, the rock above is of a picture of a Violet that I found, which is one of my favorite flowers. It looks great in the dark as well.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The St.Helena Library Show

It is already Ground Hog day, and the day after my opening at the St. Helena Library. Everything went very well, as I sold a rock and two of the fifteen posters I had showing! This is great ! I had friends help me set up and serve sparkling cider and pelligrino water. Their were plenty of snacks and over forty people showed up for this one, including my friends Don, Muir, Dieter, Jim, Fred, Eleanor, Janice, Marvin, David, Caroline, Veronica, Mark, Carol, Robyn, Rebbecca, Steve, Donna and Vicky.Marnie my former co-worker from the CIA was there. She even created a splash by winning the Spirit Rock Raffle along with my friend Don. All in all, I could not have been more pleased. The show will be up throughout the month of February, and I hope it generates some more leads for my business. Stop by the Library in St. Helena when you find the time.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Well, Whatayaknow?

I went to IPhone/IPad/Macworld yesterday with my friend, Veda. We collected lots of shwag and talked to many of the vendors. I had my picture taken with Leo Laporte ( the tech guy ) and went upstairs at Moscone West to see a picture I had submitted for display in the Digital Art Gallery. I was really surprised to find my work next to a wall which showed Bert Munroy's Art work ! What an honor that was. Bert Munroy is the premier Photoshop expert and a photorealistic painter. I had the opportunity to chat with other artists whose work was featured there, and was really inspired to be among them.

Your Spirit Rocks™ by Christopher Sullivan
Wednesday, February 1st, 5:30–7:30: Reception to Open Exhibit
St. Helena Public Library • 1492 Library Lane, St. Helena

Christopher Sullivan uses acrylic to paint rocks and then embellishes them with glitter and mylar stickers. Rocks are scanned using a flatbed scanner, and the images are compiled and modified in various ways using Adobe Photoshop CS. Some of the completed works have been enlarged to make posters for this exhibit. Sullivan, who was formerly the concierge at CIA Greystone, is now a full-time artist living in Calistoga.

Silky Background

Today I scanned five more rocks into different backdrops. This one is of one of my favorite rocks in a background that is silky and duotoned. I have enlarged the rock to make for a great poster shot. Pictures should look good from a distance of twelve feet. When I hang this poster next week I am hoping that it will stand out.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Eye Candy

I have just added this poster to my collection to be displayed at the Library show on February 1st. It is a composition that was created by layering different digital photos and scans I took of my collection of rocks showing them in their raw state up to how they look when completed. The colored rocks in the silver dish show an assortment of blue, red and green rocks and what they look like during the middle phase of preparation.Notice the “eye” rock in the lower right of the picture. This particular painted rock gave me the impetus for the name of this piece.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Upcoming Show

This is a mirrored blog post for the most part. I am so excited about the “ Your Spirit Rocks” show that is coming to the St. Helena Library Feb. 1st, that I keep thinking of ways I want to present it. I will be hanging it on January 31st, and the reception will take place on the First. I will be showing fifteen posters of my work, these posters have my painted rocks above drawings and paintings of previous work in the background. The above is a good example of what I am talking about here. It give me great pleasure to bring these images into Photoshop and arrange the entire piece in a visually pleasing manner.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Space Stones

This is a picture that I drew and scanned ,and then added some special rocks to the scene. It was all created in Photoshop. I blew it up to poster size 18x24” and will have it in the St. Helena library show that I have scheduled at the end of the month. I really am looking forward to it. The picture above is like being on a another planet and having the Spirit Rocks jump out of the picture at you!