Thursday, February 2, 2012

The St.Helena Library Show

It is already Ground Hog day, and the day after my opening at the St. Helena Library. Everything went very well, as I sold a rock and two of the fifteen posters I had showing! This is great ! I had friends help me set up and serve sparkling cider and pelligrino water. Their were plenty of snacks and over forty people showed up for this one, including my friends Don, Muir, Dieter, Jim, Fred, Eleanor, Janice, Marvin, David, Caroline, Veronica, Mark, Carol, Robyn, Rebbecca, Steve, Donna and Vicky.Marnie my former co-worker from the CIA was there. She even created a splash by winning the Spirit Rock Raffle along with my friend Don. All in all, I could not have been more pleased. The show will be up throughout the month of February, and I hope it generates some more leads for my business. Stop by the Library in St. Helena when you find the time.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Christopher! Can you send me your email so I can touch base about out trip out to Calastoga on the 19th?
    Thanks Larry
