Important Update...

Visit: Your Spirit Rocks! at our vendors booth every other week at the local Farmer's Markets in Calistoga and Sebastopol, CA

Friday, February 24, 2012

I get my best ideas from you!

Yesterday, I spoke with someone who knew about the Chakra system of energy vortexes within the human body. There are seven chakras which correspond to a person’s spiritual energy which travels upward like a double helix from the base of your spine up through the top of your head. Each one of these centers corresponds to a specific color and tone. Although integrated, each has a specific purpose that prepares us along life’s journey.

The colors of these energy centers are what interested me when talking to him about the Spirit Rocks. He suggested that I could put together a kit of seven different colored rocks that when placed on a person lying in a prone position, would assist in aligning their chakras. I thought this was a compelling idea and assured him that I would begin looking into it.

The practice of Yoga and certain body therapies (i.e. massage work), can compliment and facilitate a process of rejuvenation which aids in a person’s spiritual growth. These colored rocks could be made available to Massage practitioners who do specific types of energy work.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen… “The Glowing Stones !”

My friend Veda suggested this name, and I really like it. It sounds so much like the Rolling Stones, that I think it may even be a stronger moniker than my flagship product. I would really like to find someone who lives close by to help me build my business. Right now it is the middle of tax season and this will be the first year that I will be claiming my new business. The expenses will hopefully balance out the meager revenue I have generated , I plan to sort out and itemize my expenditure receipts and keep a log of how much it is costing me to keep this thing going. It is just too easy to buy something retail that you can just as easily purchase wholesale. Inventory is key here as well, because without taking stock I could go broke in very short order. Does all of this chatter sound like I know what I am talking about? Well I don’t. I am flying by the seat of my pants here. By the way, the rock above is of a picture of a Violet that I found, which is one of my favorite flowers. It looks great in the dark as well.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The St.Helena Library Show

It is already Ground Hog day, and the day after my opening at the St. Helena Library. Everything went very well, as I sold a rock and two of the fifteen posters I had showing! This is great ! I had friends help me set up and serve sparkling cider and pelligrino water. Their were plenty of snacks and over forty people showed up for this one, including my friends Don, Muir, Dieter, Jim, Fred, Eleanor, Janice, Marvin, David, Caroline, Veronica, Mark, Carol, Robyn, Rebbecca, Steve, Donna and Vicky.Marnie my former co-worker from the CIA was there. She even created a splash by winning the Spirit Rock Raffle along with my friend Don. All in all, I could not have been more pleased. The show will be up throughout the month of February, and I hope it generates some more leads for my business. Stop by the Library in St. Helena when you find the time.