Saturday, August 31, 2024

How it all began...

 The story began when I headed out to the coast to do some thinking after I left my job. Again, I was looking for guidance and direction from my Higher Spirit, because I did not know where or what to do next with my life.

Russian Gulch is an area just north of Jenner, CA.I parked my old Ford in a small,not-so-obvious turnout off the coast road and began hiking through the underbrush towards the ocean which I could hear in the distance. After walking approximately one quarter of a mile,you reach a clearing and inlet where a small stream of water will block your entrance to the beach when the tide comes in. Some people will throw logs and branches to make a bridge to the beach, but It probably is just as easy to roll your pants up and take your shoes off to wade closer to the shoreline. The surf crashes hard on this private little beach that is enclosed both on the north and south sides. It is only about one hundred yards in length.

Most of the rocks here are smooth and plentiful, as the tides have pounded over them for centuries.I picked one up and thought about how life washes over each one of us... smoothing our rough edges.I noticed how good it felt in my hand, and how it helped me center my thoughts.At once, I felt at peace and knew instinctively that everything was going to be okay no matter what direction I chose to take. Late in the afternoon, I stuck a few of these rocks in my pocket and headed back to my car.The ride home was exhilarating as my mind entertained pleasant memories of times spent near the Russian River area in summer's past.The warm days and balmy evenings playing miniature golf and going to teen dances are the stuff of youthful dreams.

Later when I arrived home, I emptied my pockets and began to paint one of the rocks with some metallic paints I had around. Once it dried, It looked really beautiful and so I took other colors and started to decorate it. The acrylic paint adhered very nicely to the surface of the rock and it occurred to me that a small amount of glitter may embellish it nicely. Lastly, I had some glow-in-the dark paint and began adding small dabs to see how well that took to the rock. It worked beautifully.

Turning the lights off, it looked like the rock's own spirit was emanating from inside as I held a flashlight to the white, glowing paint.Gradually the glow would fade and re-emerge depending on how long I held it under the light. Lastly, I sprayed a varnish on the outside to coat and protect all the layers of paint and glitter.Now I really had something to behold !

I began giving these away to friends and acquaintances as personal gifts, that they could keep or pass on as they wished. Naturally,they contain only the good fortune and power you want to give it, as it is held in your hand.It is not known where it's journey will end. Perhaps at Russian Gulch, where it was initially found.All I know is that it gives me a lot of joy to decorate them and pass them along.

Below is this week's 'Rock of the Week"...

Friday, August 16, 2024

As I sit here...

 I'm not painting rocks.However, I haven't given up on it yet.Two were painted and finished with a nice coat of resin today. Even though the glow-in-the dark feature was a revelation in the beginning, it too gets old after awhile. Today's rock is of an lake scene with mountains in the background and a small beachfront at the bottom. Both sides are painted, one for day and one for night ( or at least sunset). Sometimes, to draw right on the rock itself is helpful so as to not discover something ill-intended somewhere towards the finish of the piece. Drawing and painting on surfaces besides rocks is a direction that is currently more appealing to me. However, the rock biz continues because i need to to it to stay ahead of the monthly bills.

Today, it has been hot inside and it can be added that the laundry is done, so things are copacetic.This weekend is a two market adventure that I always look forward to. Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe!