Saturday, July 21, 2018

Staying Current

You probably don't like blogs that start with apologies so you will not hear one from me. Laziness, just plain and simple is the reason you haven't seen any posts for the past couple of weeks. The rocks have been flying off the table at the Farmer's Market like hot cakes (bad analogy... more like "hot rocks" if you consider the temperatures we've been having as of late.) and moving them fast has been my main focus. The overall inventory is not up to par, and even though beach trips have rendered a whole new batch of rocks, they won't all be painted until probably the end of August.

You would be surprised at how fast seventy rocks of assorted sizes are ready for display. This, of course, means, that I will not be leaving my apartment any time soon. All week long, the time spent on painting these precious items is measured only by my attitude... which is generally good except when I mess up upon occasion. An expletive is yelled out and the wet paint is wiped up off my desk. You get the picture. I sold some of my best work these past two Saturdays, and as I was telling a friend recently... " It's like giving up your children to adoptive parents". That may sound extreme, but the truth is that I do get attached to the ones that look great. Thus, below is one that fits nicely into that category.

Enjoy this week's Rock of the Week!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Rock of the Week

Greetings! We are back to painting Mandala Rocks with extra vibrancy and enthusiasm. Many have used these rocks for meditation purposes which we wholeheartedly endorse. Meditation is not a practice that many want to claim unless they have made it more or less a daily practice. Admittedly, as an infrequent yet spontaneous meditator, we are still not alone on this journey. When taking the time to actually sit quietly, without distraction is challenging for anyone in today's culture.

Having a rock in your lap will bring you to focus and concentrate. It is an object outside the physical body, yet can belong within the spiritual realm as an entity unto itself. Rocks have weight, texture, size, symmetry and even malleability. Pondering how they came about over millions of years is incredible! Where they end up in time can be just as intriguing a thought to entertain.

We hope that your Spirit Rock will accompany you in good stead along life's journey whether you meditate with it or not.It is hoped that a rock will bring you joy.