Monday, October 30, 2017

This Week's Rock of the Week

Well wouldn't you know that tomorrow is Halloween and I haven't hid this pumpkin rock yet. I plan to hide it somewhere near the Golden Haven Spa, which is next door to my place (By the way,if you live in Calistoga you already know where that is).That is the only clue I am giving.If you find it or any other rocks I hide, they are yours to keep.Here's wishing all you Rock Stars a very Happy and Safe Halloween.

Your Pal,

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Rock of the Week

This week's rock is a mash-up using a product that has made the process of decorating a rock a lot easier.Appliques were purchased at the Dollar Store and glued onto a rock.The result was stunning.The detail of the sticker shows beautifully after painting the surface with glow paint.The view under a blacklight gives the rock an otherworldly effect.The rock was taken to a Market last Friday.It was purchased by a woman who later emailed that a corner of the applique had come loose and was wondering how to get it to adhere to the rock again.It was suggested to use E6000, an industrial strength glue that had been used to reinforce the sticker to the rock in the beginning.It was not clear if that process was attempted because a request was made to have the rock returned.Instead, a complete refund has been offered and is pending.It is still questionable whether or not these applique rocks are ready for prime time.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Full Moon

This week's rock is side two of the rock that was featured last time. It features the full moon reflecting upon an imaginary lake. I painted this as I would a traditional landscape with the dark colors offering enough contrast to make the piece strong. The shape and surface of this rock are amazingly smooth. It was challenging to find a rock like this at the landscaping businesses I go to look for oversize, perfectly round rocks. This rock has gotten me back into painting more figurative work, which hasn't been attempted for quite awhile.Practise makes perfect