Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Sun will shine on Saturday !

A big storm hit the west coast this week. Yes, we need the rain, but this is ridiculous! We're told that their will be a break come Saturday and Sunday. Phew!Maybe the folks at the Farmer's Market will breathe a little easier if they don't have to drive through washed out roads to get here. Last Saturday was the Black Stallion Winery's annual Open House and gift show. A lot of rocks got sold and many were pleased with their purchases. Everyone seemed to enjoy the black light that illuminated the rocks in that special way. We ate copious amounts of finger food and those who weren't tea totalers like myself, were happy to sample the home vintage. A fun time was had by all. Below was an overall view of the display table with the special lighting.

Friday, December 5, 2014

This Week's Rock

This is the first Chameleon rock which has been created for my grandniece, Tatiana. Initially, I drew a picture from an image that was found on the internet.Then It was scanned and brought it into Photoshop™:

The next step was to clean it up and colorized it . Then after it was complete, it was then sized down and printed it out on sticky-back, glossy paper. I adhered it to a flat rock that was decorated with fabric paint. Today, i enjoy all the steps involved in bringing a rock like this into existence. I also trust that this blog isn't read by my grandniece before Christmas you see. this is a surprise because we both know that she loves chameleons.