Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Loyal Rock Fans

It must be known by now, that when people ask me what I do for a living I answer by telling them that I am a "Rock Artist". It gives me great joy to see the expression on their faces as they wonder which group I play with; Or if I am featured in Itunes. Not a chance.

When I tell them that I paint rocks, they begin to chuckle. Not too long ago ( about four years, to be exact ) I would tell people that I work at the C.I.A. and that admission would sometimes send a shiver up their spine, but I quickly reassured them that I was at the main desk when you entered the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in St. Helena, CA

That was then, and this is now. Thankfully, I have seen and met just as many great people who come to visit the Napa Valley from all parts of the globe.

Your Spirit Rocks!™is a token (or souvenir if you will) that hopefully will remind them of the enthusiasm and joy that can be had in this wonderfully idlyllic place. Naturally, like the rocks shown below... the spirit of their visit will continue to glow


Monday, September 15, 2014

Blistering Hot Show

Literally. Yesterday started out on a very pleasant note. I met some wonderful folks from many different parts of the country who came to the Calistoga Art Center Show to see a variety of local art displayed. After setting up the vendors spaces with their own tables, chairs and display boards, I found my usual spot underneath a tree close to the community center to be ideal... at least from 9am to around 11am. After that, all bets were off.

The temperature quickly rose above the ninety degree mark and did not let up. Smearing myself with plenty of sunblock and drinking lots of water, I somehow made it through the day, but it was not very pleasant.

Sales were decent though, and I am grateful to all those that found their rock to take home with them. The other artists who displayed their work were all  pretty cheerful and upbeat as far as I could tell. All in all it turned out to be a good day.

A woman named Barbara came by with her husband Bill who was a former California Highway Patrolman. They were very nice people who were out exploring the neighborhood and took the time to talk. He ended up purchasing a rock for his wife with the word "Faith" painted on it. She seemed to me to be a living example of it.

Thanks you all for making this late summer day a special one.

"Your Spirit Rocks!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Summer's End

It has been a very enjoyable summer, but like most summers the time flies and we find ourselves reminiscing about those halcyon days long after the weather turns cold and gray.The weather is still nice here and an Indian summer is likely this year. Bothe Park has been a fun getaway for me. Especially the public pool they have there.The park provides a nice lawn to put a towel down and plenty of those adirondack chairs to sit on by the pool. They also have an assortment of inflatable items, swim masks, goggles, super soakers, hula-hoops and other items to enjoy you time spent there. The life guards are very friendly and vigilant. They will answer questions politely and greet you when you enter. Five dollars for adults is a very reasonable fee to charge. You can see by the photo below that even old geezers can have fun if they aren't afraid to look a little silly as they harken back to their younger days