Saturday, February 23, 2013


Someone brought up the idea of Gratitude today as the Saturday Farmer's Market was getting started. It has been my experience that this is the best way to get through the day (... and life for that matter ).Many studies have been done around this topic, and even though it is not always the easiest thing to "tap" into, once a person has cultivated this attitude, miracles begin to happen.

Whenever I take the time to examine my conscience,To do a "spot-check" inventory to see where I am with my feelings of gratitude; It makes for a good barometer to see where I am out of sorts, or unable to be in alignment with my higher purpose.If you are low on the gratitude scale, may I suggest that you take some time out and focus on those things which you are thankful for; Simple things like "a good meal" or even "a smile from a neighbor"... then see where that takes you.

The picture above is one that really showcases what Your Spirit Rocks should look like after they have been sitting under a bright light for awhile.The glow will usually last for about five seconds before it begins to fade. The rocks still can be seen throughout the night,and will help guide your way in the dark (and hopefully through dark times).This is my wish for every person that has one.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Busy Weekend

Friday was the I (((heart))) gift expo at the Finley center in Santa Rosa. I met lots of folks from the area and it seemed that many of the vendors were also my customers that evening. It was the first time Your Spirit Rocks showcased in Sonoma county.It was a fruitful evening and the people were just great.

The next morning was the regular Saturday Farmer's Market in Calistoga. Even though you could call it a skeleton crew as far as the vendors were concerned, it was still a sunny and joyful experience. The morning chill however, meant that it took our visitors a long time before they finally had breakfast and came bay to peruse the market.Mike, from Santa Rosa Fish Market usually shows up around 9:30 AM and the locals all come swarming about that time.Most of my business occurred from 10:30 AM till noon.

Saturday evening, I drove to Fairfax to catch a free concert at the 19 Broadway Club. I was allowed to set up my table in the dark which proved to be a great place to show people how well the rocks glowed. My friend Veda help me set up and sell, for which I am very grateful.I finally packed up around 11:30 PM and drove back to Calistoga where I quickly climbed into my warm bed where I slept like a baby.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your Spirit Rocks Poster Showcased at MacWorld !

This year, A "Your Spirit Rocks!™" poster was featured in the Digital Art Gallery at MacWorld. I secured to exhibition passes for my friend Veda and myself as we visited San Francisco for a wonderful adventure. Thankfully, we were allowed to keep the mounted piece at the end of the show, so it was a win-win for everyone.