Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Moving Forward

It is past the middle of July and thankfully I’ve earned enough to pay the rent for August.Thank you to all who have made purchases this month! This past week I went to Clinic Ole’ here in Calistoga to get a cortisone shot for the poison oak I have acquired. This is nasty stuff,but I am on the mend.

Today I painted some rocks for the Chef’s Market on Thursday in Napa, which seems to be a pretty good market for me. More and more people are becoming familiar with the Spirit Rocks I sell, and most enjoyable is creating custom orders for anyone who is thinking of a personalized gift. The materials can be more pricey than one might think, especially after shipping costs, etc., but I insist on using the best quality materials I can find, from rocks to paint to glitter.

Last Saturday, I broke one of my display tables after knocking it over reaching for a rock (see the photo above). The plexiglass disk will cost me around 35. dollars to replace. I am lucky that I have a backup reflector table to replace the one that has been damaged.

The beat goes on...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday’s Focus

The first day of the work week is when to set goals and handle necessary tasks like the maintenance of a car, your wardrobe,health,friendships etc. This ongoing process is a way of preparing spiritually for whatever of life’s lessons you are about to encounter next.

Pray for easy lessons.

Sainthood may not be possible in this life, so it is vital to follow a virtuous path and do the best you can with the marbles you’ve got!